The Best Waterproof earphones
There are quite a few headphones and earphones which are water and sweat resistant. The main ones are Philips SHQ5200/10 ActionFit , SMS Audio Sync Sports and of course the Sennheiser CX685 Adidas Sports . There is however one set of earphones which is 100% waterproof and can be used when swimming! Yes, that’s right. That was not a typo - swimming!
Swimbuds are 100% waterproof and are based on an ingenious patented technology. So, what are the features that set Swimbuds apart, besides the fact that you can swim wearing them? Swimbuds had a rather short cord; about 10 inches in length. These short cords are ideal for swimmers since there are no longer cords and the risk of entangling with gear or during swimming. These short cords wrap neatly around your goggles and stay put.
Underwater Audio, the company responsible for coming out with Swimbuds also ensures that every buyer gets another pair of ear buds for dry use. Now the next query would be how is one to use these headphones in water without an audio source? Rest assured Underwater Audio had had that figured. We all know the iPod shuffle, so all we have to do is plug in our Swimbuds to the iPod shuffle. The singular difference is that the iPod shuffle, too, is water proof.
Underwater Audio has improvised on iPods shuffles and made them completely water resistant. While in water, and in for strenuous activity, tune to “splash mode” and you’re ready for your time in water without having to worry about the circuit frying up from contact with water. The iPod shuffle is available in all the regular colors of silver, slate, blue, purple, yellow, pink, and green. The working mechanism of this iPod shuffle is not different from the regular iPod shuffles.
The Swimbuds are undoubtedly a revolution in the headphones and earphones product range, providing unparalleled resistant against water, and ensuring music even underwater. The Swimbuds is worth every penny of its market price and very reasonable actually. With long chords or short, you are likely to love these brilliant Swimbuds.